Her Dragon: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (Kindred Souls Book 3) Page 11
Fate truly had blessed me.
Something woke me in the middle of the night and I crawled out from between the guys where we'd piled up after bathing our little interlude off of us. We'd never returned to the party, the results of the vote wouldn't be tallied until the next morning.
I cracked open the door leading to the sitting room, my heavy eyes popping wide with horror as I recognized two people creeping towards the princess's room.
After grabbing the first thing I could find to use as a weapon, I barreled into the room and brandished the fire poker, slamming it into one of their backs with a yell, hoping it would wake everyone.
My heart thundered in my ears as the second man grabbed me from behind, trapping my arms. I kicked back, aiming at his shins, but he avoided the impact with ease. I slammed the back of my head into his face and it connected, sending agony shooting through my neck and temples. He yelled out, but didn't loosen his grip on me.
But it didn't matter because the princess appeared and ripped the poker from my hands and smashed it into the man's face. I fell to the floor on my knees while the princess finished dispatching them with ease. Saber grabbed me and pulled me away over to Sky while Aster and Whist and Elora hovered on the edge, allowing Indigo to handle them how she wished.
Once they were moaning and almost unconscious on the floor, Elora unearthed a length of rope from somewhere and she and Whist tied them up.
Indigo wasn't even out of breath. "One of you go get a few members of the Assembly, please. They'll want to know about this."
Sky cupped my face in his hands, a question in his furious eyes. At my nod, he rose and hurried from the room.
"You don't suspect them?" Elora asked.
Indigo shook her head. "No. It looks more like a faction who worries the vote will pass in our favor."
"Did they mention anything like that?" I asked. Kira hadn't mentioned anything to me. Neither had Bastian.
"No. But every government has its dissenters. We have our very own right here with us." Indigo pointed at me with a laugh.
I chuckled. "I never tried to kill any of you though."
"Yes, but your music spread unrest. I am not sure you understand yet how powerful you are with nothing but your ukulele as a weapon. Did you see the response last night? It wasn't my words alone that moved people. Your music set the stage."
"Maybe it helped a little, but you didn't need me." She hadn't. She was amazing and if the people here didn't realize it, they were fools.
The door opened, and we all stiffened, but it was Sky along with Bastian, Indigo's new kindred, Kira, and Cala from the Assembly.
Cala glared down at our prisoners. "It was who I expected. They've been vocal in their desire to see things remain the same. At any sign of progress, they fight us tooth and nail."
I coughed to cover the inappropriate laughter at her unintentional dragon pun.
Sky grinned over at me. I stood with a wince and Bastian frowned at me in concern. "Are you all right?"
"I'm fine."
Indigo gestured to me. "Rhapsody saved us. If it wasn't for her, they might have caught us unawares enough to finish whatever they had planned."
Cala sighed. "We are so very sorry about this, Princess. They will be punished for their attempted crimes and we will find out if they had any allies in their attack."
"I will leave you to it then. We've certainly had enough excitement for the night."
Kira and Cala each grabbed a man and dragged them from the room. Bastian and Indigo's kindred acted reluctant to leave.
Sky scowled at Bastian. "They could probably use your help."
Bastian gave a short nod and hurried after them. I raised a brow at Sky, confused at his sudden short temper.
He cursed and ran a hand through his hair. "He's being an idiot. Way worse than you. And after that song, I don't want him hurting you with his presence until he's here to accept the bond."
"Sky—" I was cut off by Sky spinning on his heel and stomping into the bedroom.
Saber ran a comforting hand up my back. "It's useless to argue, love. Sky will calm down eventually."
I frowned, but was distracted watching Indigo and her dragon. They paid no attention to anyone else around them, just like before. Elora stepped forward and shoved them towards the bedroom with a low laugh, closing the door behind them.
"Are you all right?" I asked.
She smiled. "Of course. I got to know him enough during the celebration that I'm confident he's a good man. Even though Indigo believes everyone should have a choice in the matter, she would never deny a kindred soul bond. She believes in them utterly. And the scheming side of her knows this will only help us when it comes to dealing with the king. His own laws make it impossible for her to deny them."
Aster snorted. "Faligrey is going to be in an uproar over her bringing a dragon kindred home to the palace."
"Is he returning with us or is he going to wait until things are more settled? And what is the story we're telling when we return all together?" I asked.
Aster tangled his fingers in mine. "They know Sky and Saber have been looking for you so we'll tell them they found traces of you and sent word to us so we joined them at the dragon border where they very helpfully invited us over and brought us to our lost bard who they had saved when they found her wondering alone and injured."
"Are you worried your father will use the chance to make a treaty of his own with the dragons?"
Aster shook his head. "I highly doubt he would try. And even if he did, we're confident enough the dragons wouldn't accept if they decide to help us or if they decline."
"Maybe her new dragon kindred will aim some of the king's wrath away from me." I was only half joking.
"Don't count on it. He'll more than likely blame you for her meeting him."
I groaned and laughed at the same time. Sounded about right.
With a worried frown, I looked over at the door Sky still hadn't returned through.
Saber shook his head. "Just give him time."
I didn't want to. It was the first time I'd seen Sky like that and I wanted to comfort him or confront him. I wasn't sure which. But Saber knew him better than anyone, so I'd trust his advice.
For now.
I glanced over from my spot on the couch at our bags packed and waiting by the door, ready for us to leave the dragon lands today so we'd make it back to Faligrey before the king grew too suspicious. We never returned to bed after the drama with the wannabe assassins, too wound up and not wanting to leave Elora alone while her kindred got to know her new one.
Watching all of it made me glad I was the core of our group. It was strange how it worked. Since I had more than one, my other kindreds wouldn't have any but me. Same with Elora, Lysander, and the dragon. I really needed to learn his name since I guessed he would be my brother-in-law. If I were in Elora's position it would drive me mad with jealousy. Though I didn't begrudge Sky and Saber their relationship and it didn't bother me in the slightest that they had something separate from me. But they already had a relationship before they found me. It wasn't like they decided to start one up with someone new. I sighed at my ridiculous and rather maudlin thoughts.
Sky had finally reemerged from the bedroom not long after the fiasco and hadn't released me from his arms since then. Something was going on with him, but I decided to leave it alone until we were back at the palace in Faligrey.
It was hard to tell what time it was or even what day it was trapped inside the mountain with no sight of the sun and sky outside. The days bled together into an almost never-ending night. It was only by following the lead of the dragons that kept me on any sort of schedule. Kira claimed usually dragons spent plenty of time outdoors, but I'd been trapped inside since my arrival and it had begun to wear on me.
Saber and Aster pushed through the door, their hands loaded with trays of food. I jumped up to help them settle them onto the table while Sky kn
ocked on Indigo's door, calling out to tell her breakfast had arrived.
Kira knocked and entered not too long after we began breakfast, an anxiety hovering over us. "The vote is in. The Assembly requests your attendance once you've finished your breakfast."
We all froze, the anxiety pulsing stronger around the table.
Indigo dropped her fork onto her plate with a clang and dabbed at her lips with a napkin. "I'd say we're finished now."
The rest of us followed her lead and nodded. I wouldn't be able to eat another bite without knowing the answer to the vote. Kira gave nothing away with her expression as she led us through the cavernous halls.
I gripped Sky and Aster's hands, holding on tight, trying to calm the nerves rampaging through me. They had to agree. If they didn't, how would the princess overthrow the king with no allies? They had to realize it would be in their best interests to have Indigo on the throne instead.
The Assembly waited for us at their table just like every other time, except there were no chairs for us to join them. We spread out in a half circle, standing at attention, and waited for their answer.
Cala, the usual mouthpiece for the Assembly rose from her chair. "We counted the votes twice. Unfortunately, the majority of our people decided they didn't want to get involved. They are willing to open borders if you succeed, but not helping you gain the throne and it was almost unanimous that our borders will remain tightly closed while your father remains as king."
They weren't going to help. It was all for nothing.
Indigo didn't act as disappointed as I expected, as the rest of us, as we lugged our bags out of the mountain. Bastian hadn't come to say goodbye, and I tried not to let the hurt overwhelm me as I moved farther and farther away from him. The pain would dull and lessen overtime, the longer we were separated.
Darius, Indigo's new kindred was packed and right by her side, unable to move far from her it seemed.
"What are you going to do, Indigo?" I asked.
"Just what I planned on. True, the dragons won't help me directly to overthrow my father, but indirectly they are still helping a great deal. Having Darius return with us only helps matters."
"How?" Politics gave me a headache. Which probably made me a hypocrite since I had no problem complaining about the laws governing us.
"The dragons declared they would open borders with me on the throne, but not my father. The same arguments I used on the dragons will be used on the people of Faligrey. The more support of our own people I can drum up, the better."
"Dragons respect strength." Darius said. "They will far more likely to agree to a treaty if you prove you can take the throne yourself."
"Still would have been nice to have a little more help." Aster grumbled the words.
Indigo shrugged as she picked her way carefully along the path. "With Darius joining us, it's not as needed. It would have helped, but this still works out."
Sky sighed at my side and I looked over at him. "What's going on with you? Talk to me."
"We can discuss it later." He forced a smile. "But I'm fine, doll. Nothing to worry about."
I forced one back at him, unconvinced and worried despite his reassurances. There was still so much to discover about my kindreds and having so many of them was overwhelming at times when I worried they weren't getting enough attention from me. So far, none of them had seemed to have any issues with sharing, but maybe it was beginning to wear on Sky.
I dropped my small bag filled with dragon clothes and threw my arms around him, hoping the touch of his kindred would calm whatever storm raged in him. He froze for half a second before his own bag thumped on the ground and he swept me off my feet against him, burying his face in my hair and breathing me in. The vibrations rumbling through him settled as he held me and my own pain at the distance from my fifth kindred abated. In his arms, I found a little peace. I hoped my arms brought him some as well.
He pulled back and pressed his forehead against mine. "Thank you, doll. I needed that."
He gave me a swift, hard kiss that set me reeling and picked up our bags, refusing to return mine. We hurried to catch up with the others as they reached the exit.
We stepped through the doors and sunlight blinded me as the scents of trees and fresh air embraced us. I sucked in a deep breath and held it in, tasting the air, smiling up at the sky.
The horses were stabled right outside the door, but a noise from inside had everyone reaching for daggers and swords. Sky shoved me behind him.
Bastian appeared in the doorway of the stables. "The horses are ready."
"What are you doing here?" Sky prowled towards Bastian with fists clenched around his knives.
Bastian didn't back down. "I'm coming with you."
"What?" The question ripped from me in a shriek, shock and hope and confusion vying for the top position inside me.
Bastian's eyes flicked over to me. "I want to see Faligrey. I disagree with the choices made by my people and want to help. It will be better if two dragons come and show your country that kindreds can be found in the dragon lands."
"You're choosing to accept the bond?" Sky asked, a growl in his voice.
"Not exactly. But I'm willing to be friends and help you all."
Sky scrutinized Bastian for a moment before the rigidity released him. I don't know what he saw on Bastian's face, but whatever it was it calmed him. "Then let's load up your horse."
Sky tied his bag and mine on the back of one of the horses before turning to help Bastian. The rest of us stood back while they danced around each other.
Sky grunted when he lifted one of Bastian's bags. "What the hell do you have in here? Bricks?"
Bastian's expression didn't change in the slightest. "No. Books."
His serious comment broke up the tension as we all chuckled. I wasn't sure what would happen with Bastian since he was accompanying us, but hope swelled my chest at the chance to have something with him.
Even if it was only friendship.
THANK YOU FOR READING, and I hoped you enjoyed continuing Rhapsody's story with her handsome fellows. If you did, I would really appreciate it if you left an honest review on Amazon. It helps so much in determining what to work on next.
An expert in parkour, Helene Gadot moonlights as a Nail Polish Namer and occasional ghostwriter. She lives with her husband and trio of rugrats in the South. Helene has a serious coffee mug and throw pillow addiction, and when she isn't reading or writing, she's probably shopping online.
You can stalk her on her Facebook page or join Helene’s Kindreds.
Books by Helene Gadot:
Kindred Souls Series-
Her Assassins
Her Prince
Her Dragon
Her Kindreds - July 2018
Aces and Knaves Series-
Boom - coming soon
Magic and Dreams Series-
Wicked Fae - August 2018
GADOT ALSO WRITES URBAN Fantasy and Fairy Tale Retellings as Harley Gordon.