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Her Dragon: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (Kindred Souls Book 3) Read online

Page 3

  I raised my chin. "I will never be forced to accept a kindred. And none of them tried to force me. I accepted them freely and need to return to them."

  His hands curled into fists on the table. "Why did they not protect you from the king's men?"

  "We weren't together when it happened. It's not their fault." Though each one would blame himself. "It isn't their job to protect me. I protect myself."

  Cala gave me a considering look. "Which you clearly have a gift for. Perhaps there's some dragon in your bloodlines."

  "Perhaps." I knew little about my family past my parents. It was possible.

  "We will discuss your situation more before the Princess of Faligrey arrives. For now, rest and recover from your trials. We will call for you if we have further questions. You can stay with Bastian for now. Maybe you'll decide you enjoy it here and if your story is true, you could bring your other kindreds here and start fresh in a free land."

  "I'll consider it." I wouldn't, but telling them that didn't seem like a smart move. I wasn't sure why they were so interested in me staying here and becoming one of them. They clearly didn't trust me. Not completely. Were they trying to manipulate me, make me comfortable into giving up my secrets?

  It'd be better if I got out of there before Indigo arrived and they found out everything. I hadn't exactly lied, but I hadn't told the whole story either. I had no interest in discovering their reaction when they realized the prince of Faligrey was one of my kindreds.

  For the time being, I needed to play along, get them to trust me. And then I'd find a way to get the hell out of there and reunite with my assassins and prince.

  Bastian pulled out my chair and escorted me from the room back to the stairs. The ridiculous amount of steps alone was enough for me to never want to see this place again. Bastian remained silent and cold all the way back to his room, making my palms sweaty and knees shaky.

  What was his problem? His country didn't force kindreds to be together and I certainly wasn't going to demand he join us. He was mysterious and hard to read, I couldn't figure out what kind of man he was. He seemed stern and angry and way too serious, much worse than Whist. I ached for Sky, wishing he was there to lighten the mood and coax a laugh out of me and perhaps even Bastian.

  I rubbed my chest with a grimace as we walked into his room.

  "Are you in pain?" Bastian asked.

  "I'm fine."

  "If you're hurting, you need to tell me."

  "It's just difficult being away from my kindreds."

  "Right." He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, get some rest. I have to return to the Assembly. I'll be back later."

  "All right."

  He paused at the door, spearing me with a suspicious stare. "And don't try to leave. You won't get far. Trust me."

  I stared after him with wide eyes as he strode from the room. Too bad he wasn't an idiot. I kept hoping for a stupid kindred who would be easy to get away from, but so far they were all brilliant and gorgeous.

  I took off the cloak and curled up in the center of the bed, finally releasing the tears I'd been holding in for days.


  I leaped from the bed, my heart racing and head spinning, searching for the threat, trying to figure out where I was.

  "Easy. You're safe. You're all right. It's just me. Bastian."

  I blinked, and the fog cleared from my mind as I recognized the man in front of me. "Right." I rubbed at my eyes, remembrance slamming through me. "Right."

  He held up a tray. "I brought you food. You look like you haven't eaten in days."

  "I haven't." My nose wrinkled at the scents of the food, my stomach protesting.

  "I brought broth and bread. If you can keep it down, I'll get you something more substantial." He set it on the low table in front of the small sofa in the corner across from the bed.

  "All right. Thanks." I took a seat far on the left side of the sofa.

  He sat on the arm of the right side of the couch, clearly not wanting to be near me either. "I'm sorry it took so long, but it seemed like you needed sleep more."

  "How long did I sleep?"

  He glanced at his watch. "Not long. Only five hours or so."

  Good. I hadn't wasted too much time. I sipped at the broth, my brows rising at the fresh flavor. It tasted like lemons and herbs and garlic. It was delicious. I forced myself to drink it slow, my stomach unused to food for too long. As much as I liked it, it was nowhere near as delicious as Whist's food. I rubbed my chest again, trying to smooth the pain away, but it remained.

  "Tell me about your other kindreds."

  I jumped, almost spilling broth down my front. "Why?"

  He scowled. "Call it curiosity."

  I dipped a piece of the bread into the broth and swirled it around as I tried to find the words to describe my men without giving too much away. "They're all very different. One is very sweet and thoughtful. One is serious and a bit dangerous. One is fun and playful. And the last one is charming and brilliant."

  "You love them." He stated it as fact.

  He was wrong. Sort of. A little. "I was starting to. Maybe. Before we were separated."

  "Will they come for you?"

  "They don't know where I am." They'd try though. And I couldn't have a new kindred if they did.

  "I can't just let you go. The entire Assembly has to approve it."

  I met his black gaze steadily. "I told the truth."

  "I believe you. But I don't think you told all of it."

  My eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

  "I think there's more to your story than you told us. You have a very personal hatred for the king and you are way too certain the princess will be the better option."

  Was just one foolish kindred too much to ask for? "The king tried to have me killed just because he didn't like that my songs called out his laws as bullshit. And I've heard enough about the princess to believe she'd be better because anyone would be better than our current ruler."

  "He's no different from his father before him. Why would she be different?"

  I didn't answer. I didn't know how without giving everything away. Instead, I shoved a hunk of bread into my mouth to buy myself some time.

  "You can keep your secrets. But I'm not the only one who realized you're hiding something. And until we know what they are, you can't be allowed to return to Faligrey. You've seen too much now. We are a very private people and want nothing to do with the surrounding lands. Especially Faligrey."

  Dread weighed down my limbs, and I lowered the bowl into my lap. "But I can't just stay here forever."

  He shrugged. "The princess is meeting with us in two days. You can bear two days. Once she confirms your story, you'll be free to go."

  "And you'll let me?" I wanted to shove the question back into my mouth, but it was too late.

  His brow furrowed. "Why would I stop you?"

  "Because I'm your kindred. Your only kindred since I already have four others." He acted like he wanted nothing to do with me, but it was a rare person who didn't want to at least try with their kindred once they found them.

  "I have no desire for a kindred. Especially not one I'd have to share with so many. And who doesn't want to live here."

  "Right. Good. Because I don't want a fifth either. The reason the five of us work is because they're friends and even lovers. They knew each other before they found me."

  He dipped his chin in a short nod. "Perfect. Then we understand each other."

  "Do you have a lover already?"

  Something dark and sad passed through his eyes before he banished it. "No. I'm much too busy and even though we are free to have the choice, most dragons still wait for their kindreds."

  "What are you too busy doing? The Assembly?" If we were stuck together for the next couple of days, it was better to get to know him, discover his weaknesses.

  "That and I'm the historian and librarian. I keep all the records. It's a lot of work."

e most of the dragons found their kindreds?" The more information I could gather for Indigo the better. And even though I didn't want the bond, I was curious about the fifth man chosen for me.

  "Some. Not all. Once they reach their fourth decade if they haven't found them they tend to look for companionship elsewhere."

  "Do you ever consider that so many haven't found theirs because they live in another land like the two of us?" I drained the rest of the broth and set the bowl back on the tray.

  "We've considered it of course. But ultimately it's been decided to keep to ourselves. Kindred relationships are special, but so are non-kindred matches. Few here would disagree."

  If it weren't for my prince and assassins, and if me and the dragon weren't kindreds, it'd be hard to fight the temptation that was Bastian. Our philosophies lined up so perfectly and I appreciated the way his mind worked. I shook off the what ifs running through my mind.

  They didn't matter. Maybe if I'd found him and this place first, things would have been different. But I wouldn't trade my kindreds for anything. And I still believed in the fight Indigo had ahead of her. I couldn't shove my head into the sand and ignore the problems I'd been fighting against my entire adult life.

  "The Assembly wishes you to perform after dinner tonight if you're up for it. They requested you sing the songs that got you into trouble with the Faligrean king."

  "Another test?" I raised a brow, not buying his innocent tone.

  "Partially. But mostly interest and love of music."

  I held up my bandaged hands. "I can't play. My hands are still too injured and I don't have my instruments. But I can sing."

  "Excellent. I look forward to hearing it." He hesitated, clearly wanting to say something else.


  He sighed. "My people are excited at the thought that you're my kindred."

  If they didn't care whether their people accepted the bonds, what did it matter that Bastian found his kindred? "Why? If you want to stay separate from other lands, I would expect it to upset them."

  He glared at the floor. "Because I had a wife. Years ago. We loved each other very much. But she died along with my son in childbirth. My people mourned with me. Everyone adored her, and I was lucky enough that she chose me. They believe that you showing up here is good fortune and they want me to be happy."

  My breath caught in horror and pain for him. How awful. "Why are you telling me this?" We just met. It was a bit soon for spilling secrets. What was his game?

  "Because I want you to understand I don't give a shit about the laws in your country. I'm not replacing my wife with anyone. Especially you. Besides, many of the people here are scheming gossips, so you'll find out anyway.

  I swallowed the hurt his words sent through me, not wanting him to see they affected me at all. "Your people care so much about their leaders?"

  He blinked at my question, apparently expecting something else from me. "Of course. We live on top of each other here, not spread out like your country."

  "So all the dragons live here in the mountain? Your lands are larger than that." Why didn't they build normal villages and communities? Why hide away inside of here?

  "We have other cities in other mountains and a few outlying villages who raise crops. But we're the center."

  "Fascinating." It was. I'd always wanted to know more about the dragons. Everyone did. And apparently the reason why no one had any information on them was they took their security very seriously. "How many people from other lands have come here?"

  His black eyes stared into mine. "Very few survived the encounter."

  My heart skipped a beat. "What? Why did I?"

  "You were lucky. The squad who found you usually likes to get answers first. Other squads would have just killed you. And with the meeting coming up, they wanted to make sure you weren't sent ahead to scout us out."

  Once they knew the whole truth, that was probably what it would look like. "And here I was beginning to think you lived in a perfect world."

  "There's no such thing."

  I sighed. "No. There isn't."

  He frowned over at me. "Look. Just stay out of trouble. Don't try to run because we have squads everywhere out there. And stay close. Once the princess gets here, you'll be free to go if you want."

  The thought of making a life here wasn't horrible, but I had too much still to do back in Faligrey. And no way would the prince be willing to move here. And the dragons certainly wouldn't want the prince and the king's assassins living with them. They'd never be trusted.

  "I'm sorry about your wife and child. That's awful." My heart ached for his loss. I couldn't imagine living through his pain.

  He cleared his throat. "Thank you, but we aren't going to discuss it further."

  "Understood." I nodded.

  He stood. "Finish your food and I'll get you some more, then you should rest until tonight."

  "Are they letting the princess actually come here instead of meeting somewhere else?" She and Aster had never specified where the meeting would take place.

  "Yes. It's a historical moment, letting a royal come to us. But the Assembly voted, so she's coming."

  "Was it unanimous?"

  He huffed a humorless laugh. "Hell no. It barely passed."

  "Which way did you vote?" Was he interested in progress or did he prefer to remain stuck in the past?

  I was reluctant for him to leave, wanting to keep listening to his smoky caramel voice.

  "I voted for her to come. I'm our historian after all. I'm curious to see where this takes us."

  "Where do you think it will?"

  "Depends. It could lead to war or something new. Either way, I want to be there when it happens."

  "I get that." I was starting to understand him a little more, a thread of his mystery unraveling.

  He didn't scare me so much now or make me as nervous. We shared a past pain and a belief in a different system though my pain didn't compare to his. I couldn't imagine losing one of my kindreds along with a child. I wasn't sure it was something I'd get through or come back from. He had an inner strength I envied. He still got up every morning and tried to make his country a better, safer place.

  Maybe we could be friends, even allies since we didn't want to be kindreds.


  Strange nerves fluttered inside my belly as I followed Bastian into the dining hall. Apparently, dragons all ate the evening meal together, which I found odd, but nice. Like they were one big family, scattered across the lines of tables, no separations based on rank.

  Bastian led me to a table some members of the squad who brought me in sat around, heaping plates of food in front of them. The one I rode with, Marcus, shot me a grin and a wink, making Bastian growl.

  I jerked my head towards him, surprised at his show of possessiveness. He cleared his throat and adjusted the lapels of his jacket before spinning on his heel and striding off towards the line of people waiting to spoon food onto their plates. I shrugged and joined the squad.

  "I'm Rhapsody. We didn't get a chance to exchange pleasantries earlier." I sat in one of the empty seats.

  "Marcus." My captor grinned wider.

  The massive one inclined his head. "Jem."

  The elfin woman smiled in welcome. "Kira."

  "Zelda." She pointed at Kira. "I'm her kindred, but I'm on a different squad.

  The last one barely looked up from his plate and spoke around a mouthful of food. "Duncan."

  "Nice to meet you officially, I guess."

  Kira shot me an apologetic smile. "Sorry you had us as a welcoming committee."

  "According to Bastian, you were my best option."

  The five of them shared identical grimaces.

  Marcus spun the cup in his hand. "Right. We'd apologize, but it's the way things are done here."

  I shrugged. "Compared to the people who captured me before, this is like being on vacation." It really was. It was even a bit of a vacation from the stress of the palace.

sp; Kira grinned. "I like you."


  She laughed. "Are you going to stick around?"

  "I have to for now. But there are people I have to get back to." I wasn't sure how much they knew, how much I should disclose. I was already hiding the majority of my story to their leaders, I didn't really want to spread more of it around.

  "We heard you're a musician and are performing after the meal."

  "News travels fast around here I see."

  Zelda laughed. "Very. It's impossible to keep anything secret."

  Bastian returned and a plate of food clattered in front of me. "Eat. You need to build your strength back up." There was still a growl in his words.

  He sat next to me and brooded into his plate. What was his problem? We were fine and on the same page earlier in his room. Why was he suddenly acting jealous and possessive? Was it a dragon thing or was the kindred bond making him edgy?

  Our legs brushed against each other and we both sprang apart like the touch burned us. I avoided everyone's eyes, my face warming as I focused my attention on the food. I didn't eat much, worried I'd throw it all up once I was onstage. I was used to performing, but not a crowd like this. And not to prove my own innocence.

  And never without an instrument.

  When I saw the king again, I wanted to slam his head into his throne until he returned my ukulele. I missed it so much it hurt and was terrified he'd destroy the instrument my father had left me.

  "You all right?" Bastian's voice jerked me from my thoughts.

  "I'm fine." The words came out as a squeak, making my lie obvious.

  "Nervous?" Kira asked.

  "A little. I usually play for the tavern crowd."

  Marcus raised his glass in the air. "Well, most of us will be a couple cups into our drinks once you go up there so you should feel right at home."

  I chuckled, surprisingly comfortable with these dragons in a way I never had been with people from my own land. Bastian remained silent at my side as the others chatted and drew me into light conversation. I kept sneaking glances at him, trying to read him, but he gave nothing away, focused on his food and a book he unearthed from somewhere.