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Her Dragon Page 6

  "Right." As long as Indigo figured it out fast enough not to give me away.

  "Bastian is already there."

  "I figured." I sighed at the porridge again. They really needed more fresh food here.

  "Did you see him last night?" Kira asked.

  I shook my head, a sharp pain stabbing through me. "No. If he returned, I didn't wake up."

  She sighed. "Damn. He's being incredibly stubborn."

  I shrugged like it didn't bother me, like there wasn't a hollow feeling in my chest. "I told you it's better this way. It's easier when we're not together."

  "I still think you'd be good for him. Ever since his wife and son died, he's been a ghost haunting the mountain, growling at everyone, stomping around in a temper, caring about nothing but his books. If you'd known him before, you'd understand better. He was always on the serious side, but he was patient and kind and cared about making our country a better place. Now, he's stuck in the past, unable to take part in the present or even plan much for the future. She wouldn't have wanted the solitary life he's living for him. She would have wanted him to move on with his life instead of remain forever in mourning."

  I wished she'd stop telling me these things. It wasn't helping, it just hurt. "He told me they decided if either or both of them ever found their kindreds, they wanted to have them join their relationship."

  "I remember. But you were off living in Failgrey and whoever hers was never showed before we lost her, so they never got a chance. And if she was still around, you joining along with your other four kindreds would be close to impossible."

  I snorted. "I can't even imagine the size bed we would need."

  Kira snickered. "If you're finished, we need to get on the move. And I'm not going to be able to look at Bastian without laughing now and imagining him in a pile of bodies in some ridiculous bed, so thanks for that."

  I grinned as I shoved away the food and stood, ready to go. "You are welcome."

  I was back in the more revealing outfit from my first day since I spilled dinner all over the other one the night before, so I covered myself with the cloak.

  Kira raised her brows at me. "We aren't going outside. The cloak isn't really necessary. It's plenty warm in here."

  "I know."

  "Don't care for our fashions, eh?" She opened the door and held it for me to walk through.

  I winced. "They're beautiful, but take a little getting used to."

  "They suit you. You should definitely take the clothes with you when you leave us." She took the lead since I still didn't know my way through the maze of her home.

  I'd need years to learn where everything was.

  A pang hit me at the thought of never seeing this place again. Of never chatting with Kira again. I hadn't known her long or well, but I would miss her and her company. And I really wanted to see how she and Elora got on. They would be fast friends, I was convinced. And it would be nice to have more friends around me. My kindreds had given me the taste of family and I was addicted to it. I craved more. As much as I loved spending time with my men, it was nice having simple friendships.

  "I'll take them, but I'm not sure I'll ever have the courage to wear it in Faligrey."

  "You should and you can start a new fashion once everyone sees how amazing you look in it."

  As kindred to the prince, Kira had no idea how likely her idea was. "We'll see."

  "That reminds me. Bastian mentioned something about a cloak of yours. I understand why after seeing how attached you are to your new one. But the launderer couldn't save it. It was too stained and too ripped."

  I sighed, sadness welling. "I'm not surprised. That's the second one I've lost and ruined."

  She poked me. "It's a sign you should stop wearing them and let everyone actually see what you're hiding under there."

  I shook my head with a snort. "You are ridiculous."

  She cast me an unrepentant grin, mischief in her eyes as we arrived at the Assembly chambers. She raised her brows at me in question, and after a hard swallow, I nodded.

  Kira pushed open the door and gestured me inside. I crossed the threshold with damp palms and a thundering pulse so loud it drowned out my footsteps and Kira's at my side.

  I forced my gaze to the circular table, a little strain loosening as I met Indigo's relieved and confident gaze. A little more released at the sight of Elora at her left side. My steps faltered and fumbled as I saw who sat at her right.


  With Whist standing at his back.


  Everything slowed as I froze in place, staring with wide eyes at two of my kindreds. They stared back at me fury and relief and fear in their eyes.

  Every particle I comprised of screamed at me to leap over the table and crash into my two kindreds. Aster rose, but I gave the slightest shake of my head, praying he wouldn't give me away quite yet. He either ignored it or didn't see it because he was already halfway across the room, Whist on his heels, and then I was in their arms, trapped between them.

  I couldn't hear anything over the roar of happiness racing through me and the wild pounding of my heart, no longer giving a shit this would make things difficult to explain. Their familiar scents swirled in the air, merging together, almost making me moan out loud.

  Only remembering our audience gave me the willpower to pull away from them and the knowledge I was about to have a lot to answer for. They didn't let me go far, both of them huddling into my sides and gripping my hands.

  "Where are Saber and Sky?" I asked under my breath.

  Whist brushed his lips against my ear as he replied. "They're searching for you back in Faligrey near the border. We'll get them here as soon as we can if we can't leave right away."

  A thousand other questions burned my lips, but the Dragon Assembly wasn't going to wait for us to catch up. I caught Bastian's eye, and he looked furious. I ripped my gaze away and turned to Kira who was trying unsuccessfully to smother a grin. At least she wasn't pissed.

  Cala raised a brow. "The holes in the story you told us are starting to fill in."

  I grimaced. "Right. Sorry. I didn't want to do anything to damage your meeting with Princess Indigo. And I was worried you'd be convinced I was a spy and have me executed."

  Whist and Aster stiffened, moving their bodies a bit to shield me like I was about to be executed on the spot.

  Kira turned a laugh into a cough behind me.

  "I see. Why don't you tell us the entire story this time. Actually, Princess if you could tell us what you know of Rhapsody's story, then we'll know for certain what the truth is."

  Indigo sent me a questioning glance as Aster led me over to the table and pulled out an empty seat. I shrugged at her. It wouldn't hurt anything. I kept as close to the truth as I could without admitting I knew any of them.

  Indigo cleared her throat and began. "A few months ago, word trickled to the capital and palace of a bard who was singing out in protest against the current kindred laws. My father was furious when he heard the lyrics. He ranted and raved about them for a few weeks, ignoring my reminders and my brother's that Faligrey is a country where speech and expression is free and she wasn't breaking any laws. He feared uprising and revolt, so he dispatched his three best assassins to silence her. We heard nothing for weeks, so he instructed his royal guard to find his missing assassins and the rebel bard. Another week or so later, the guard brought all four of them to us where they informed us she was their kindred. And then Prince Aster realized she was his as well." She paused as gasps of shock passed around the table.

  It was the first time I'd heard what had gone on before my arrival at the palace in such detail.

  One of the dragons seemed to fight a smile. "This story is so outlandish it must be true."

  Indigo inclined her head. "It's true. My father has completely lost his way. If he ever had it."

  "What happened then to end up with her here and wounded and malnourished?" Bastian growled the question.

  Aster an
d Whist stiffened even further, but remained silent, their worried eyes heavy on me. I patted their legs beneath the table, trying to reassure them.

  Being between them and not being able to crawl all over them made it difficult to focus. I never expected them to show up with Indigo.

  "The king still wanted her executed, but after being reminded it would be against his own laws, he placed her under house arrest and confiscated her instrument, forbidding her from any more treasonous music. Things were calm for a few weeks until we had a ball introducing her as the prince's kindred and there was an assassination attempt on her life. When that failed, she disappeared from the prince's quarters and we've been searching for her ever since. We never expected to find her here."

  "Does the king know you're here?" Cala asked.

  "He does not. He believes I'm taking my brother to get himself under control." Indigo glanced over at Aster. "He's been... struggling since Rhapsody disappeared."

  I tightened my grip on Aster's thigh and he shifted closer.

  Cala turned to me. "It's your turn to tell us what happened on your end."

  I drew in a deep breath. "I was knocked out from behind in the prince's quarters and I woke up in the back of a prison cart, shackled to the floor. We traveled for days, I'm not sure how many since it all bled together. When I realized we were nearing the dragon lands, I made my escape and hoped they wouldn't follow me into your country. I was knocked unconscious again and woke up slung over a horse on the lap of a dragon and was brought here."

  Three growls rumbled at my words. My surprised eyes shot to Bastian, but he was too busy glaring at Kira. Aster and Whist almost knocked my air out of me as they squeezed me between them and I noticed them glaring at Bastian.

  This was getting complicated and awkward.

  Cala resumed control of the conversation. "Interesting. The five of you clearly have some catching up to do. We'll have Kira escort you to a suite where you can rest and talk while the rest of us discuss the information you've brought us. We'll meet again later in the afternoon and we can continue with what originally brought you here."

  Indigo nodded. "Of course. That will work perfectly."

  Aster and Whist jumped to their feet and hustled me from the room, my arms trapped by theirs. I cast a last glance over my shoulder at Bastian, my throat clogging at the longing and anger and confusion warring on his face before he stripped it of all expression.

  Indigo and Elora were slower to follow, so Whist, Aster, and I waited in the corridor for them and Kira.

  "Who was that? The dragon with too much interest in you." Aster's voice rang with possessiveness.

  I nibbled at my bottom lip. "I might have found a fifth kindred here. But don't worry. He doesn't want me."

  Aster and Whist exchanged shocked glances, but before they could respond, Indigo and the others emerged, Kira leading the way through the cavernous maze..


  No one spoke as we followed Kira to the rooms they had for us. Aster and Whist bracketed me between them, their heat sinking into me, calming the storm in my chest. My skin raced and buzzed with the need to touch them, explore them. I had no interest in sitting around and talking everything through. I wanted them naked and inside of me. I needed it to truly believe they were here with me and it wasn't a dream. Or perhaps I was just turned on.

  Kira patted my shoulder before she left us alone in the living room that led to two separate bedrooms. I sat on one of the chairs after the door closed behind Kira, and the weight of everyone's stares pressed on me.

  "So..." I dragged out the word. "How's everyone doing?"

  Indigo gaped at me. "I don't even know where to begin."

  "Why did Aster and Whist really come with you? Did you know I was here?" I asked.

  Aster shook his head, reaching out to drag a finger along my cheek. "We had no idea where you were or if you were even alive. Saber and Sky have been searching for you non-stop since you disappeared. They picked up tracks that led to the dragon lands, so Whist and I invited ourselves along so we could legally be here, hoping to pick up some trace of you. Sky and Saber kept searching near the border for any sign of you."

  Elora stepped up and bent to hug me. "And Cala has graciously agreed to send a squad out for them to find and bring them back here."

  I blew out a heavy, relieved breath. "Thank you."

  Indigo smiled as everyone else took seats around me. "It's so good to see you. We have been terrified for you and I'm so sorry for my father."

  I shook my head. "It's not your fault."

  Elora's jaw clenched. "And we want you to identify the guards who abducted you and we will deal with them."

  "I never learned their names, but I'd recognize them if I saw them again."


  "Tell us about your new kindred." Aster spoke in a demanding tone. He didn't appear too happy at me finding another kindred.

  I glanced at Whist, but his face was expressionless. As usual.

  Indigo's mouth fell open. "You found another kindred? Here?"

  I nodded. "I did. It's mostly what saved me and kept me out of their prison."

  "How is it that you collect them like trinkets from each new place you visit?" Indigo asked.

  I laughed a little, a desperate sound. "I don't know. But it doesn't matter. Neither one of us is interested in completing the bond."

  "Why?" Whist asked with a frown.

  "Well, I already have four. And luckily you all know and love each other. I'm not even sure how adding a dragon would work since he has responsibilities here and we have them in Faligrey. Also, like I said. He doesn't want it either." Explaining this over and over was getting old.

  Indigo stood and began pacing in front of the fireplace. "The three of you can discuss this later. Right now, I am sorry, but I need as much intel as you have on these dragons. You've been here a couple days, so you must have some idea if they're liable to help us."

  I smiled at Whist as he lifted me from my chair and carried me over to sit by Aster on the couch. "Honestly, I'm not sure if they'll help or not. I tried to talk you up and your father down as much as I could without giving too much away. But here, kindreds aren't forced to be together. My new kindred was married. One of the dragons who brought me in met his, but they decided they weren't a good fit and found love elsewhere. It's amazing."

  Aster drew my feet into his lap and smiled at me. "Everything you've fought for in Faligrey."

  I smiled back, almost moaning as he rubbed my feet. "Yes."

  "You must love it here." He stilled as he found the bandages on my ankles.

  "I do." I reached out to pat his arm. "I'm all right."

  Aster's jaw clenched, but he didn't argue.

  "You're not tempted to stay?" Whist asked.

  "Of course not. Our lives are in Faligrey. Besides, their country seems to have a decent thing going. What would I sing about?"

  Everyone chuckled like I told a joke, but I was dead serious.

  I turned back to Indigo. "Anyway. I don't know much, but they definitely take their closed borders seriously. You will need to offer them a lot if you want them to get involved in Faligrean politics. Maybe the fact that one of their Assembly members found his kindred from another country will help. Definitely push that angle."

  Indigo tapped her chin. "But if they aren't as concerned about kindred souls, it might not help."

  "Just because they don't enforce it doesn't mean they don't care about them. Most of the people here still choose their kindred. Or wait for them. I think it's your best bet. That and the fact that your father is on the insane and murderous side and has made threats to invade."

  "Thanks, Rhapsody. That's incredibly helpful." Indigo's lips quirked. "I'm going to rest before the talks later. It was a long trip. And I'm sure the three of you would like to have some privacy."

  My face heated as everyone chuckled again.

  Whist didn't wait any longer before he swept me up into his arms and carried me
into one of the bedrooms, Aster right on our heels.


  Whist set me on my feet and stepped back to stand beside Aster. Seeing them next to each other, staring at me with hunger in their eyes sent shivers up my spine.

  I swallowed, my mouth dry as I reached up to untie the collar of the cloak, letting it slip from my shoulders to the floor. A desperate sound rumbled from Whist's chest and he stalked towards me, his movements graceful and predatory.

  "What the fuck are you wearing?" Aster's voice came out husky and raw.

  "It's what they wear here. Didn't you notice?"


  Whist settled his hands on my hips, tugging me into his warmth and strength. He leaned over and took my lips in a hard kiss tasting of desperation and relief and need. I opened up to him, threading my arms around his neck, pressing into him as close as I could get. His tongue danced with mine, starting an inferno in my stomach. He released my mouth to press soft kisses and sharp nips along my jaw and neck. My eyes met Aster's over Whist's shoulder. Hesitance covered Aster's face, keeping him frozen.

  I held out one of my arms, gesturing for him to join us. His eyes flickered and then he was there, ripping me out of Whist's arms, picking me up by my ass until I wrapped my legs around his waist. He didn't kiss me, just caught my eyes with his, refusing to release me from his gaze as he carried me over to the bed.

  His hesitance hit me and I remembered I hadn't told him. I'd been taken before I had the chance. "I chose you, Aster. I want to be your kindred. I planned to tell you when you got back."

  His eyes closed in relief, his face soft and vulnerable before he opened them and his expression changed to a harsh need. He tossed me onto the bed and stripped off my clothes. Whist leaned against the tall bedpost with crossed arms and watched, the damn kinky voyeur.

  Once I was completely bare, my borrowed clothes in a crumpled pile on the floor, Aster gripped my knees and spread my legs open wide for him to bury his face between. I arched off the bed with a sharp gasp as he attached his mouth to my core, his tongue darting out to tease my folds. His hands kept my hips anchored to the mattress as he ravaged my center like he'd been dying of thirst and I was the last pool of water to be found.