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Her Prince: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (Kindred Souls Book 2) Read online

Page 6

  Guilt pooled in bottom of my stomach. I was making everything harder on everyone, disappointing them. They didn't push, but I knew my kindreds wanted the prince in our family. They wanted to stay and work against the king instead of running now that we had another option. I never wanted to run either. I wanted to stay and fight and pretend the bond between me and the prince didn't exist. And I was the prince's only kindred, his only chance with the laws the way they were now. And even if they changed, most people would still choose their kindreds.

  The hand of fate seemed to be pushing me along a path I had never wanted and I couldn't decide if I should keep fighting against it, or give in.

  Not being able to see the real prince didn't help. "How can I make a choice if I don't know who he really is?"

  He clapped his hands over my shoulders. "You chose us before you knew us very well. Hell, we're still all learning new things about each other every day. You took a chance on us, gorgeous. Something I am grateful for every single day. You either jump or you don't. It's your choice. It's always been your choice."

  I was starting to hate the word. Something I used to be so determined to fight for. Choice. Now that I finally had choices instead of having them made for me, I was starting to feel the weight of the decisions I needed to make and it wasn't as awesome as I used to think. How did I reconcile my beliefs with the needs of my kindreds and with what was right for us and what was right for the country?

  "I don't know what to do, Whistler." I unraveled my hair from the towel and wound the damp tresses into a sloppy bun.

  "I can't help you there. But what I will tell you, is that you are to be polite and a delightful host when the prince comes to dinner tonight or there will be consequences." His eyes darkened, turning smoky and heated.

  My brows furrowed. "What kind of consequences?"

  "Harsh ones."

  I shivered at his dark promise as he wrapped my new scarlet cloak Saber had gotten me to replace my old green one around my shoulders. He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck, his beard tickling my skin, and I shivered again.

  "I'll be nice. Or try, anyway." His promise of consequences intrigued me. His punishments had been enjoyable so far, but maybe I should go about dealing with the prince in another way because what I'd been doing wasn't working.

  "Good." His hands wrapped around my waist from behind. "I much prefer taking your clothes off, gorgeous."

  I chuckled and turned in his grip to press our lips together. His hands slid down my body to cup my ass, his fingers digging into the soft flesh while he plundered my mouth.

  He pulled away with obvious reluctance and I slid my fingers against my swollen lips. "To be continued, gorgeous."

  "Don't think I haven't noticed the three of you winding me up before dinner every single night before the prince comes."

  His only reply was a wicked grin, one to rival Sky's devilry. The asses.


  Aster had already arrived and was chatting with Sky and Saber when Whist and I came into the dining room. I kissed Sky and Saber's cheeks before joining them at the table. Whist hadn't felt like cooking, so we'd ordered a spread from the palace kitchens. His mother was working late, so she wouldn't be joining us which saddened me. I had grown to adore her over the past week, she was the sweetest and was filling the hole my mother had left behind when she died.

  I gave the prince a polite smile where he sat directly across the table from me.

  He returned it with a nod. "I brought the messages Indigo wants us to include in the final cut of your songs. I need to get them to the musicians soon so they can learn the music."

  "We can work on them over dinner if you want." I forced myself to keep my tone civil.

  "I would be delighted. May I ask, how do you bring it all together without using an instrument? How do you know if sounds right?"

  My fingers curled into fists. I wanted nothing more than to have my ukulele back in my arms. "I don't have much choice since the king confiscated my ukulele, but I don't need it. It would be easier, but I can hear the music in my mind."

  He nodded thoughtfully. "Can you play the harp?"

  The harp? I wished. "I've never had the chance, but I believe I could figure it out."

  Aster exchanged a glance with Saber. "I was hoping to hear the songs, and I had a harp delivered earlier today."

  I gasped in excitement, almost bouncing in my seat. "Where is it?"

  Sky clapped his hands and grinned. "You'll see after dinner."

  "So, would you be willing to try, Rhapsody?" Aster asked.

  I tamped down the excitement. "I'll give it a go. No promises though."

  The prince winced. "I am sorry I could not have your ukulele returned to you. My father refused my request. It is safe though, I can promise you that."

  Longing for my beloved instrument clogged my throat. "Thanks. I can handle it as long as it isn't destroyed."

  "I will make sure that never happens."

  My eyes narrowed on his, searching for his hidden truths, but only a blank canvas of confidence and calm stared back at me. Maybe playing my music for him was a good idea. If he could hold out against that, then I'd give up. I swallowed the snide comment burning my lips and turned instead to the paper he slid across the table to me.

  None of it meant a thing to me. "What exactly is this for? You and Indigo have been incredibly cagey about it."

  He inclined his head slightly. "My apologies. It's a message for everyone on our side, letting them know when the next meeting is to discuss our next steps. And it lets them know we've succeeded in our latest mission."

  "Which was?" Getting information out of him was harder than pulling teeth and even more painful.

  "Setting up the meeting with the dragons. It's taken us a long time to get them to agree. They have no interest in other countries or our politics. So getting the meeting arranged is a big win. Now we just have to hope Indigo can convince them to help us."

  "What help do you want from them?" I smiled at Saber when he handed me a glass with brandy swirling in the bottom two inches.

  The prince accepted a glass from Saber with a murmured thanks. "Largely, we want their support in forcing our father to step down. And we hope to forge a trade agreement with them as well."

  "Trade what?"

  "Their lands are filled with fruit and vegetables year round and it would be wonderful for us to be able to bring some here. And we have precious stones which they have a lack of. And dragons love sparkly things. We also believe part of the reason so many people go without finding their kindreds is because they live in other countries. How are they supposed to find them when we're so separated?" Aster stared into his glass before knocking back the entire drink.

  Were my parents' kindreds in the dragon lands or Havisam or one of the further lands? I frowned at the words scrawled on the pages, already with some idea of how I can slip them in without making it too obvious. It had been a long time since I wrote a song with no obvious political meanings. It was actually kind of nice, writing something light and celebratory even if it was a lie.

  I slid the scraps of paper from the pocket of my trousers, silently thanking Indigo for sending me clothes other than dresses. For a princess she sure was practical. I liked her. Hopefully it didn't make me disloyal to my family and beliefs by becoming her friend. Was there really any difference in befriending a royal and accepting the kindred bond with one? Nothing made sense anymore and my confusion had filled every corner of my new songs.

  It was impossible for me to separate my emotions from my music. The first one I wrote thumped with a chaotic beat and notes chasing after each other and turning to respond with screeches and clangs. To most, it would sound like an upbeat dance song. But to me, it screamed out my uncertainty and hesitance.

  I spread the sheets out on the table and let the chatter of the others fade into the background as I followed where the music tinkling through my brain led me. I scratched and scribbled, occasionally taking a
bite of food when Saber pushed it on me, but I was lost to the music. My fingers itched to pluck the notes on my ukulele, instead they plucked silence off the edge of the table. I swayed to the beat only heard in my head.

  When I finally had enough of a song to try out on an actual instrument, I blinked and raised my head. The guys were all staring at me, strange expressions on their faces.

  "What?" My face flushed with heat. I wasn't used to an audience when I wrote.

  Saber sent me a soft, sweet smile. "Nothing, love. It was fascinating watching you."

  Sky smirked at Saber. "You look pretty similar when you paint, babe."

  Saber ducked his head with a small smile as Sky slid his fingers across Saber's neck. Warmth welled inside me at the sight. I loved seeing those two touch and cuddle. Though they still hadn't fucked in front of me and I refused to push it, not wanting it to be about me, it was about them and what they wanted, what they needed.

  "I think I'm ready to try playing this and make sure it's complete."

  "You hardly ate anything, love." Saber frowned a little in concern.

  I looked down at my plate still covered in food. "Sorry. I get a little caught up when I'm working on something new."

  "It's all right, gorgeous. If you're hungry later, I can reheat it. You'll need your strength for later." Whist's heated gaze lit all my nerve endings up, electricity shivering across my skin.

  Aster cleared his throat, and I finally caught a flash of something real on his face, but I wasn't sure what it was. Jealousy? Lust? Want? He covered it up before I could be sure.

  Sky smiled and leapt to his feet. "Finally. We can show her."

  My eyes narrowed on him in suspicion. "Show me what?"


  The four of them exchanged excited smiles and bright eyes and Sky grabbed my hand, dragging me down the hall. Aster gathered up the scattered papers and followed behind. Sky stopped at the purposeless room and threw open the door, all but quivering with the excitement he was trying to hold in.

  The other three hovered behind us as I stepped inside. One of them threw on the lights and I gasped. They'd completely transformed the spare room into the perfect oasis for me. A beautiful golden harp stood in the corner along with a small set of drums, a rail of chimes, and a few cans. The chairs had been moved into the center of the room aimed at the instruments, and there was a desk against the back wall with stacks of paper and a cup of pencils where I could write my music.

  The best part was the gorgeous painting I'd adored so much was hanging from the center wall.

  My chest tightened with so much emotion, it turned into a sharp, stabbing pain. "How did you do this so quickly? And without me finding out?"

  Sky laughed. "Very carefully. And you've been busy these last few days. It was Saber's idea."

  Of course it was. My sweet, thoughtful Saber. "Thank you. It's beautiful and I love it."

  He smiled. "I can't take all the credit. I mentioned it to Aster, and he ran with it."

  I tilted my head as I took in Aster. Did he do it to try and tempt me to stay? I wish I understood his motives.

  Sky broke the tension and stepped between us. "You can show us your gratitude by playing for us."

  With a nod and a shaky breath, I slid onto the stool behind the harp, setting up the other instruments within easy reach. "I'll need a minute to acquaint myself with these. I'm only familiar with the cans."

  "Take your time, doll. We'll talk amongst ourselves while you figure it out." Sky plopped onto one of the chairs, pulling Saber into his lap.

  Aster took the other seat while Whist perched on the arm. I ignored them as I sampled and tested the instruments, learning the tones and notes. I'd read and studied all sorts of instruments, but this was my first chance to try them out. As much as I loved my father's ukulele, the harp made an almost magical sound, one I felt vibrating deep in my soul.

  Once I felt confident I had an idea how they all worked, I rose and approached Aster. He blinked at me, a hint of surprise in his eyes.

  "I need the music pages." I gestured at the pages clutched in his hands with a jerk of my chin.

  The prince released them and rubbed his palms on his trousers as I returned to my spot in the corner. I spread out the papers on the music stand and breathed in and out, letting everything but the music float away.

  No concerns, no worries, no confusion, no nerves were too strong to fight against the music inside me demanding to be released. My fingers slid through the chimes, sending them fluttering and tinkling against each other. I decided to leave the drums alone for the time being, instead I knocked out the beat on the side of the harp. I sank into the song, the harp and chimes creating a cacophony of mayhem. I peeked through my slitted lids to watch my kindreds, curious over their responses.

  Sky and Saber's fingers were intertwined, but their focus was completely on me. Sky's expression lacked his usual mischief and humor, instead he watched me with soaked eyes and nibbled lips. Saber's face shined with awe and affection, his luscious lips party slightly, like he wanted to drink up every note like it was a fine wine. Whist watched with set lips and crossed arms, his foot tapping against the floor, matching the beat of my song. Aster was the one I wanted to break though. He sat with his back stuff and straight, his hands clenched around his knees, his eyes narrowed, jaw tight. It was like every muscle in his body was locked as he fought to remain under control.

  But when my voice joined the harp and chimes, he couldn't stop the pain from rippling across his face, the longing, the deep and desperate need. I didn't know what he wished for so strongly, but whatever it was I hoped he found it. Seeing the human emotions on his face soothed me in a way I'd never before experienced. It was only fair for me to see this side of him if I had to lay myself bare before him with this song. The lyrics were nothing special, just a rather common sort of love song. But the emotion I fueled the song with is what created the magic.

  I grew more confident the longer I played, my spine straightened, my fingers flew, my voice rose. The music seduced me, carrying me along on a ride I was helpless to stop. I was lost to it, consumed. The guys disappeared, I disappeared, until the only thing left was the music. It had been a long time since I'd been taken over like this.

  It took four times going through the songs until I was satisfied they were ready. The messages Aster and Indigo wanted me to include were hidden well though I hoped not too well. They didn't make sense to me, but it didn't matter at this point. It seemed a bit paranoid to do it this way, but I couldn't really blame them for it. Treason wasn't something to take lightly.

  I opened my eyes and stood, stretching out my sore muscles. Whenever I went so deep and splashed around in the music within me, I always ached afterward.

  The guys rose from their chairs as well, all of them but Aster approaching me, smiles wreathing their faces.

  Aster cleared his throat. "I... uh... I need to go." He hurried from the room, the door swinging shut behind him. My eyes narrowed at the door, suspicion and concern replacing the high from creating new music.

  My three assassins surrounded me, their words tripping over each other as they tried to express their enthusiasm. I basked in their touches and comments. My skin buzzed and my head was so light I thought it might float away.

  Whist picked me up and carried me from the room, Sky and Saber on his heels.


  Whist set me on the floor of Sky's bedroom and peeled the dress from my body, his eyes locked on mine. "No consequences for you tonight. You were on your best behavior. So, we have something special for you planned instead."

  I trembled. "And what's that?"

  His starlight eyes smoldered at me. "You'll see, gorgeous."

  Once I was completely naked, Whist kissed me and ripped off his own clothes, backing me towards the bed. He gripped me by the hips and lifted me up onto the mattress, following me down, spreading his body over mine. I spotted Sky and Saber kissing and removing each other's clothes ove
r Whist's shoulder. My body shuddered, and I moaned at the sight. Was it finally the night?

  Whist kissed down my body while Saber and Sky joined us on the bed. Saber was laid out beside me, Sky mirroring Whist over me. A whimper whined from my throat and my nipples hardened even further.

  Sky met my eyes and smirked. "We know you've wanted to see this. And we've been wanting to show you. It's been a long time since we've been together."

  "You know you don't have to wait for me to be around, right?" I didn't want them to feel like everything had to be about me. They loved each other, they shouldn't have to always share with me.

  "We know, doll. And we adore you for it." Sky leaned over Saber to suck one of my nipples into his mouth.

  His touch send a bolt of energy straight to my core. Saber's hand slid along my arm until his fingers twisted with mine. He became my anchor, grounding me while the men above us tortured and teased us to oblivion.

  Whist ground his pelvis against mine, drinking my cries. He kissed down my body until he reached my core. Sky took Saber into his mouth, sucking him deep with practiced movements. My pussy clenched beneath Whist's tongue lashing and Saber's hand tightened around mine as he arched his hips and pressed himself deeper into Sky's mouth.

  Between Whist's clever, wicked mouth and watching Sky pleasure Saber, it didn't take long for my climax to build and crash over me. Whist refused to let up, continuing to lash his tongue and teeth against my tender folds, making the climax build back and wash over me again.

  Before I'd caught my breath and stopped shaking, Whist slammed inside me, stealing what little breath I had remaining. Sky slid his mouth off of Saber's cock and bent his knees, digging his heels into the mattress. Sky poured oil on his own cock and then down the crack of Saber's ass. Whist kept his strokes inside me hard, but tortuously slow. I couldn't look away from Sky as he pressed two of his fingers into Saber's ass, his blue eyes brightening to frost. Saber writhed as Sky pumped his fingers in and out of him, his breath panting from his mouth.