Her Dragon Read online

Page 9

  I understood even though it pained me.

  I took a seat between Saber and Aster, their thighs pressed against mine beneath the table. Sky and Whistler sat across from us.

  Saber leaned over. "How does this work? Where's the food?"

  "It isn't quite ready yet. We're early. Once it's set out, you go and fill your own plate."

  Interest lit up his eyes. "Fascinating. What about other meals? Does everyone return here?"

  I shook my head. "No. They just meet for dinner. Breakfast and lunch are either cooked for yourself or you can bring plates from the main kitchens."

  "It's very different from Faligrey."

  "True. But I like that they gather together as a community each evening. I especially like that the leaders sit along with them instead of holding themselves separate, like they're better."

  "Perhaps we should consider doing the same." Aster raised his brow at his sister.

  Indigo pursed her lips in thought. "It'll take time before we're able to implement anything like this. The other nobles will have to be convinced and they aren't likely to be thrilled with the idea."

  Sky chuckled. "They will hate that idea. We should start it right away."

  Laughter rose around the table and I jumped a little as I realized everyone had been eavesdropping on the whispered conversation.

  Aster's hand slid along my thigh, rising higher and higher on my leg until I had to muffle a squeak. Sky winked at me from across the table, somehow knowing exactly what was happening what Aster was up to.

  Aster's hand paused right in the crease of my leg, the weight warm and sending flutters low in my stomach. I glared at him from the corner of my eye, huffing at the wicked smile on his stupid charming face.

  Kira sat higher in her seat and waved her arm. "Bastian. Over here."

  My pulse sped up and the tightness in my chest eased as Bastian moved closer. I peeked over my shoulder and watched as he approached, a clear uncomfortable expression on his face.

  Sky stood from his seat and nudged Whist over. "Here. Have a seat. Sorry I didn't introduce myself before. I'm Sky and that's Saber." He pointed to the man on my right.

  "Bastian." Bastian shook Sky's hand and sat right in front of me.

  He avoided my eyes, instead nodding at Indigo and Elora. My gaze met Marcus's further down the table and I stiffened.

  "What happened to your eye?" It was swollen and discolored.

  Kira laughed. "Your newest kindred didn't like hearing how Marcus knocked you unconscious."

  Shock stabbed through me and I shot Marcus an apologetic grimace, but he shrugged it off with a laugh, clearly not bothered. I turned back to Bastian who glared daggers at Kira for spilling the beans.

  Sky's eyes darkened, violence and danger dancing in his eyes, banishing his mischievous good humor. "What? He did what?" Sky looked seconds away from leaping across the table to attack Marcus.

  I reached over and placed my hand on top of Sky's. "I'm fine. He was just doing his job. He treated me kindly. Much better than the guards did. I'm all right, Sky."

  He relaxed and turned his hand over to bring mine up to his lips and pressed a kiss against my knuckles.

  The tension around the table released, and a bell rang, signaling it was time to eat. Relief trickled through me and I rose along with everyone else, joining the line to make plates.

  Bastian ended up behind me in line, I was certain thanks to my other meddlesome kindreds. I could feel him behind me, his heat, his gaze on the back of my neck. Longing welled inside me when the line jumbled and I was knocked back into him. His hands grabbed my waist, steadying me, his breath releasing in a huff by my ear. Goosebumps broke out over my skin and I smothered the shiver trying to break through.

  I kept facing forward, not wanting to scare him off or break the spell wrapped around us. His fingers flexed against my sides, digging into my flesh. My breath caught in my throat and I inched back, wanting to feel more of him.

  He sucked in a breath, his mouth against the back of my head. My eyes slid halfway closed as the current built between us.

  "Fuck, what are you doing to me?"

  I didn't reply, too caught up in him to form words. And it wasn't the bond in that moment. It was him. His strength, his pain, his mind, his scent. I wanted him, regardless of the bond. I didn't want to say goodbye to him in three days. I wanted to spend the rest of my life getting to know him. I'd learned to trust fate, it hadn't made mistakes for me so far. It hadn't brought me anyone who didn't fit.

  Bastian's lips brushed against my neck and then he jerked away from me, leaving me cold and empty. I refused to turn around and watch him flee. Instead, I pretended nothing happened and filled my plate with food. I pretended nothing was wrong, that disappointment wasn't spreading through me like wildfire.

  Whist and Aster looked furious when I returned to the table while Saber gave me a sympathetic smile and squeeze of my leg. Sky's expression was closed down, cold. I shrugged. I understood Bastian wasn't ready or prepared to let his wife go. And I didn't blame him.

  He'd made his choice. I needed to respect it like my kindreds had for me and stop making it harder on him.


  Bastian knocked on the door the next morning before the meeting. I sat up from my position curled up between Sky and Aster when Whist stepped aside for Bastian to enter.

  I forced myself to relax back into the couch, watching him from beneath my lashes as he nodded in greeting.

  "What brings you here?" Whist asked.

  "The Assembly has requested Rhapsody's presence at the meeting today. All of you are welcome to join."

  "Why?" I asked.

  "I'm not at liberty to explain, but it's nothing to be concerned over."

  I looked over at Indigo, who nodded. "All right. I'd be happy to come along."

  "Excellent. We will see you there." He turned on his heel and left without another word.

  I stared after him with heavy eyes, hurting for him and the pain he still struggled with.

  Sky cursed, glaring at the door. "He's being a stubborn fool."

  "He's mourning."

  "So were you when we met you. You still are. But you keep fighting and you let us in. You let us help you. His pain would lessen if he let you in."


  Elora sighed. "The kindred bond is strong. I once loved someone more than I believed possible, but when I met Indigo, it was leagues stronger and made my love for my first love look almost foolish. That's what he's struggling with. He doesn't want to lose himself in Rhapsody and forget his wife. He doesn't want a love with her to erase what he had. And while it won't, it's a valid fear."

  "You can love more than one person at a time even without the kindred bond," Sky said in a harsh tone.

  Elora nodded. "You can. And it's something he needs to learn."

  Sky looked over at me and winked, back to his usual cheery self. "I guess you're getting a taste of your own medicine, eh? Finally met your match in sheer stubbornness."

  I scowled and stuck my tongue out at the ass. "It's a nice change of pace from constantly having the lot of you needy bastards panting after me."

  Sky clutched his hands to his chest and staggered back, acting like I'd struck him with a mortal blow while everyone else in the room laughed.

  Aster shook his head with a huff. "Sky has been a horrible influence on you. His smart mouth has rubbed off."

  Whist smirked. "I can't handle two of them."

  Sky stalked over and yanked me off of the couch, pulling me towards the bedroom. "If the two of us are such a hardship to be around, we can leave you alone."

  I slapped his arm and pulled away from him. "No time for that. We have to get to the meeting."

  "Boring." He bent to whisper in my ear. "I'd much rather stay here and fuck you for the next three hours."

  My stomach fluttered. "Asshole."


  The Assembly's round table had more seats set around it, room for
everyone to join. It was a bit uncomfortable, all of us squished up against each other.

  "Thank you for joining us. We'll keep this brief." Cala turned to Indigo. "Princess, you've made several excellent arguments for your case for our support in overthrowing your father, the king. Unfortunately, the Assembly hasn't been able to come to a unanimous decision."

  Damn. Frustration with the dragons curled my hands into fists. They were being fools. The things Indigo had offered would being progress to their country and bring kindreds together. The future of all our countries could change in a great way.

  Instead, just like Bastian, they were kept prisoner by their pasts, refusing to take a step forward into the future Indigo dared to imagine and fight for.

  Indigo hid any disappointment she might have been feeling and gave a regal nod. "I understand. It would mean a lot of changes for your country."

  Cala continued. "We have decided, with your permission and approval, to have you bring your requests to the entire dragon community tomorrow night. We'll have a party and you can give a speech explaining why you're here. At the end of it, we'll have a vote and we will go with whatever the majority decides."

  A thread of hope wound through Indigo's voice. "Thank you."

  "Don't thank me. We are doing what is best for our country and our people and in something this large, our people should have a voice."

  "I understand. I'm still grateful for the chance."

  "You're welcome." Cala turned to me. "Rhapsody, we were hoping you would perform for the party. You could be the opening act for your Princess."

  I swallowed my frustration and faked a pleasant tone. "Of course. I'd be honored." I sorted through the songs in my head, wanting the perfect one to introduce Indigo. One with the perfect tone to put everyone in the right mood for her speech. If the Assembly was determined to be foolish, perhaps the rest of their people could be convinced to make the right choice.

  The beginnings of a song denouncing the dragons flirted at the edges of my mind. I finally had something to sing about.

  Maybe writing a new one was the best plan. I looked over at Bastian. "Can I borrow your instruments again?"

  He blinked and then nodded. "Yes. I'll have them brought to your rooms."

  "Thank you." I ripped my attention away from him, determined to stick by my decision to give him space.

  "We'll be inviting those from other cities and villages as well. Take the rest of the day and tomorrow to rest and plan. The rest of us will be busy making preparations," Cala said.

  "Can we assist in any way? Indigo and Rhapsody will need the most preparation, but the rest of us would be happy to lend a hand," Saber says.

  "That would be lovely. I'm sure Bastian can find something for you to do."

  It seemed my kindreds weren't the only meddlesome people plotting against Bastian and I.


  My kindreds were off helping get ready for the party and Indigo was locked up in her room with Elora working on her speech when Bastian came into the sitting room with instruments clutched in his hands.

  I shot to my feet, feeling off-balance at his presence. "Oh. Hello. I thought you were sending someone with them?"

  His expression darkened with annoyance. "Everyone was suddenly mysteriously busy."

  I snorted. "Of course they were."

  He set them on the small table and turned back to me. "Is this all you need?"

  "Yes, I should be fine with just the guitar, but I thought I'd experiment a bit again with the flute and bells while I had the chance."

  He looked past me at the wall. "I look forward to your performance."

  I clasped my hands in front of me to keep from reaching for him. "Thank you."

  He bowed his head. "I'll see you later than."

  "Sure. Yeah. See you." I kept my face frozen in a pleasant expression.

  He paused with his hand on the doorway and I stiffened, trying not to let the hope take hold. "I'm sorry, Rhapsody."

  "For what?" I asked his back.

  He turned around and studied me solemnly. "For the drama my people are causing."

  I shrugged. "My people are no better."

  "I noticed. It surprised me, actually."


  "That they'd be so willing to share you with a dragon."

  "They already share me. Though, I admit it surprised me too." They'd always spoken about how glad and lucky they were that my kindreds were already a family. None of us ever expected I would continue collecting them. It made me nervous about traveling anywhere else in case more were hiding, ready to pop out behind a bush or something.

  "Haven't you told them you aren't interested in the bond?"

  I jerked, my pulse speeding up at his question. "Well, yes. Sort of."

  His black eyes narrowed, pinning me in place. "What does that mean?"

  I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose before I deflated. "I've been having second thoughts. Which they've figured out."

  His mouth gaped. "Second thoughts?"

  "Yes." The word tore out of me without my permission. Why couldn't I stop talking?

  "You want the bond?" His voice came out strangled.

  I grimaced and ran a hand thought my hair, staring at the ground, mumbling the words. "Yes. Maybe. I don't know. I'm torn and confused. But I would never pressure you into it. And I'm sorry for last night."

  "It was the bond. It wasn't your fault."

  I raised my head and met his eyes. "It wasn't the bond. Not for me. I have enough experience now to tell the difference."

  "Then what was it?"

  "It was you."

  He stumbled back a step. "Me?"

  I sighed, deciding to go all in, to be brave and be clear about what I wanted. "Yes. We haven't known each other long, but I've spent enough time with you to be attracted to you, to want to know you better, and to not want to leave here and never see you again. I'm not sure if I want the bond or not, but I haven't regretted a single one of my other kindred souls. And nothing so far has made me believe I'd regret this one either."

  He stared at me, eyes wide and panicked.

  I held up a hand. "But don't worry. I know you don't want the bond. And I get it. It's okay. I understand."

  His mouth opened and closed before settling in a thin line. "I—I have to go. There's a lot to do to before tomorrow night."

  Pain radiated through me. "Of course. Thanks for bringing the instruments by."

  "Yes. Yes. Bye, Rhapsody."

  I slumped once the door shut between us, jumping when Elora's voice sounded behind me.

  "Are you all right?"

  I turned to face her. "Yeah."

  She rolled her eyes. "Liar."

  "I'm confused. It wasn't like this with the others. I was determined to fight this bond too, but it's been harder with Bastian."

  "Probably because you've tried to fight it four times and ended up deciding you wanted them after all. This time, you're giving in sooner, willing to trust whatever or whoever is behind the kindred soul matches has picked well for you again."

  "But he's always such an asshole. And not in the fun way the others are. We had one good couple of hours when he let his guard down. I haven't seen a sign of that man since." And yet I still wanted him. It made me feel foolish and greedy and lost. I shrugged. "It doesn't matter. He's made his choice and I respect and understand it. I better practice. What we're doing here is more important than my romantic drama."


  I barely saw my kindreds and didn't see Bastian at all before the party. I remained locked in the bedroom, working on the new song and my prince and assassins were kept busy decorating and rearranging the dining hall. I still hadn't gotten the chance to really introduce Elora and Kira and we were out of time. It was a shame, but if things went well, perhaps there would still be time.

  Indigo decided we should all wear dragon fashion to the celebration, believing it might soften the people towards us. Kira had found me something sh
e declared was perfect at the market, refusing to let me pay for it.

  She also forbade me from wearing a cloak to cover it and got Indigo to back her up.

  Once the slinky fabric settled over my body, hugging my curves, I surveyed myself in the mirror. It wasn't as shocking as I expected. The dress changed color in the light and shadows, turning from green to gold, shimmering like dragon scales. The craftsmanship that went into the dress amazed me.

  The neckline curled around my throat and dipped low on my back, all the way to the curve of my ass. It clung to me, soft and smooth against my skin, a long slit running up my thigh to make it easy for me to move. I had to admit; it was lovely, and it complemented my coloring and form.

  I drew my dark curls up into a loose knot at the back of my neck, a few loose tendrils sneaking from the pins and framing my face.

  Knuckles tapped against the bathroom door and Saber's voice filtered through the wood. "Are you all right in there, love? Do you need any help?"

  "I'm fine. Almost done."

  I grimaced at my reflection, trying to hold the slit closed so my entire leg wasn't visible. I shrugged. Indigo was right. It was a respectful move, dressing in their fashions, showing it was possible to blend our cultures.

  Sky almost spilled into the bathroom when I opened the door.

  I leapt back to avoid him crashing into me. "Are you okay? Were you leaning against the door?"

  "Perhaps." He raked his gaze over me. "Fuck. I don't know how I'm going to handle you parading around in that."

  I spun to show him the back, grinning at his groan. "You could always leave your mark on me again."

  "Don't tempt me."

  I finally took in his own appearance and my eyes bulged. He wore formfitting gray trousers, his ass had never looked more enticing, and a blue shirt, opened at the collar, giving everyone a peek of his chiseled chest, the color making his sky-blue eyes shine.