Her Prince: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (Kindred Souls Book 2) Page 9
I already had three near perfect matches. Did I really expect the fourth to work?
Aster moved towards us and I wasn't ready to be the trophy on his arm as he chatted with these fawning nobles, introducing me around.
"I need some air." I slipped away from Whistler before he could stop me, heading through the doors into the courtyard.
I hated being unable to tell the difference between my own mind and the bond. It was impossible for me to figure out if the attraction and longing I had for Aster was real or the bond and it drove me crazy. Part of me wished I could just accept it without questions or doubts. It would make everything a hell of a lot easier. If I had done the same with my assassins, it would have spared us all a lot of pain and frustration. But there I was, making the same choices as before, held back by the same worries and fears.
More than anything, I wished my parents were there to tell me what to do.
They had never been against kindreds, but once they fell in love, they stopped looking or caring if they ever found theirs. Love and family meant everything to them. More than jobs, or friendships, or the law. I wanted the same kind of love -- one so strong it was worth giving up everything else. It was something I thought I was building with my assassins. Every time I discovered something new about them, I fell for them a little harder. It wasn't just attraction and desire with them. I actually liked them, cared about them, enjoyed hanging out with them.
Even though it had barely been longer than a month since we met, I was lost in them.
There hadn't been the chance to get to know the prince in the same way to discover if we felt the same. And we didn't have time to change it.
I wiped away stray tears from my eyes and straightened my spine. My parents weren't here, but I had a new family, one who had sacrificed so much for me and was willing to sacrifice even more.
The scrape of shoes on rocks spun me around, but before I caught sight of whoever it was, something hard smashed into the side of my head and sent me crumpling to the ground.
The stars above me twirled and danced for a moment while shards of pain shot through my head. Before the world settled, legs straddled my waist and hands wrapped around my throat. I bucked against the grip, trying to flip them off me. It was too dark to tell who it was, their face lost in shadows, but I recognized the purple uniform.
My fingers clawed at the steel cutting off my air, drawing lines of blood in their skin. Everything Sky and Elora had taught me fled from my mind, leaving me panicked and terrified. I scrambled for the dagger hidden beneath the folds of my dress as black edged along the corners of my vision. The stars were fading quickly. I didn't have much time. My hand finally closed on steel and I ripped the dagger from the sheath on my leg and stabbed it into my assailant's side.
They grunted and released my throat with a hissed curse. I slammed the pommel into their face and squirmed out from under them. They grabbed at me again and the dagger clattered to the ground. Shit. My heart pounded and my head and throat ached, but I ignored it and let the rage wash over me. I refused to let the king make me disappear. I wasn't going to make it easy for him.
I used feet, teeth, elbows, and nails to fight them off, cursing myself for losing my knife.
A shadow flew through the air and slammed into the guard, knocking them to the ground. Steel flashed in the moonlight and then the guard was still.
Unable to make my body obey my commands, I remained slumped on the ground, breathing hard. My hero turned around and the rest of the rigidity slid off my shoulders. Elora.
She held out a hand to me. "Are you all right?"
I took her hand and let her pull me to my feet. "A little bumped and bruised, but yes. Thank you. I apparently need a lot more training."
"We will get right on it. But he was a fucking guard and has been training every day for years. You did surprisingly well against him."
"How did you know I was in trouble?" I swiped at my wrinkled and filthy dress, trying to set myself to rights. It was a losing battle. My dress was ruined.
Elora squatted next to the guard, rustling through his pockets. "Your kindreds didn't know where you ran off to, so we split up and came looking for you. Let's get you back to them and I'll handle this mess."
I stared down at the dead guard with a shudder. "I guess the king really doesn't want me to join his family."
"Doesn't look like it. Unfortunately, the guard is dead so there will be no proof he wasn't acting alone." Elora glared at him, looking like she wanted to spit on his corpse.
"Of course."
She stood and looked at me with a somber expression. "This won't be the last time, Rhapsody."
A loud breath blew past my lips. "I know."
Elora nudged me along the path back towards the party. "No more going anywhere alone."
I winced. "That was already what I was supposed to do. Clearly, I need to listen better."
"Yes, you do." Elora stopped me with a hand on my arm and lowered her voice even farther. "If you decide to stay and accept the bond, Indigo is hoping the four of you can go on your marriage trip to Havisam and perhaps visit the palace there as a musician."
"How will that help?" The music from the gala trickled from the palace to my ears.
Elora huffed. "You have no idea, do you? Maybe that's part of your magic."
What was she talking about? "More secret messages?"
"In a way. She'll explain more if you decide to help us."
Why could I only help if I stayed? "Even if I left, I'd be willing to do that."
She shook her head. "Too dangerous. You'll have to hide completely if you run. You won't have the protection of royalty."
Before I could answer, the prince sprinted at us and yanked me into his chest. I groaned as his grip made my bruises scream.
He set me down and stepped back. "Sorry. Did I hurt you?"
I fought a cringe. "I'm fine. Just sore. Nothing a hot bath won't take care of."
His brows pulled together in a frown. "Your voice is damaged."
"That's what happens when a royal guard tries to choke you to death."
Aster froze and his face hardened to ice. "I see."
I placed a hand on his arm. "I'm all right. Elora stopped him."
"This should not have happened." He thawed enough to cover my hand with his own, guilt and fury warring behind his eyes.
I'd wanted to see behind his mask, but not like this. "I shouldn't have come out here alone."
"Why did you? Didn't you see me coming to speak with you?"
"I--" I was saved from admitting he was the reason I left by running footsteps.
A smile spread across my face at the sight of my assassins. They swept me up between them, smothering me with kisses and hugs. The pain was worth it.
Aster spoke in a low voice behind us. "Take her to my rooms. You'll be safer there. Elora and I will handle everything else."
"What else is there to handle?" Whist asked with a hardened tone, stepping away from our group embrace.
"A royal guard tried to kill her," Aster said.
The hands holding me hardened as anger trembled through my guys.
"Let's get out of here and I'll explain everything." I wanted out of this dress, I wanted to forget this horrid evening.
Aster brushed a finger down the side of my face, making me shiver and yearn to throw myself back into his arms. "I am so sorry this happened to you. You will be safe from now on. I will make certain of it."
I nodded, weariness slumping through me. Whist lifted me into his arms with an unusually gentle touch. "I can walk."
"I know you can, gorgeous. But I need to feel you safe and alive in my arms for a few minutes." Whist kissed my forehead.
It was a long walk through the palace. "As long as no one sees me like this."
"I won't let anyone see your forced moment of weakness." There was a thread of humor in his voice, so I pinched him. He chuckled and held me tighter against his chest.
I snuggled against him and let him carry me through the palace halls behind Sky and Saber. They traveled through halls I'd never seen before, smaller and not as well decorated or lit.
Whist noticed me glancing around with curious eyes. "These are the halls the servants use. The king likes the illusion of it, keeping them hidden so things are done as if by magic."
"Sounds about right."
Sky glanced over his shoulder. "Tell us what the fuck happened to you."
I whispered the story into Whist's ear, my head pillowed on his shoulder. Once I finished, he was growling and cursing and his fingers flexed against me.
Sky pulled a key from around his neck and fit it into the door we stopped at. He pushed it open and he and Saber went inside while Whist and I waited outside.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"They're going to clear the prince's rooms. Make sure no one's inside."
"Sky has a key to the prince's quarters?" My brows rose.
"We all do. We're friends, gorgeous. And were personal assassins to the king. We can get in anywhere."
Sky stuck his head out of the doorway. "It's clear."
"I'll get her in the bath. You two go collect some clothes and stuff for all of us." Whist finally released me onto the floor.
I took in Aster's home with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. It was nothing like I expected. The assassins had a nicer place than the prince. It wasn't a hovel by any means, but it lacked the opulence of the rest of the palace. In the main room, there was a small sofa and a low table covered in books. Shelves lined the walls, bursting with even more books. In the corner stood a beautiful gleaming piano. I couldn't stop staring at it with longing welling in my soul. Another instrument I'd never gotten the chance to try.
Saber and Sky kissed my cheeks before heading back to their quarters to grab our clothes. I followed Whist deeper through Aster's home, taking in the art on his walls, familiar art. I was pretty sure Saber had painted them. The prince didn't have a kitchen--all he had was his sitting room, two bathrooms, and a massive bedroom. His bed made Sky's look positively tiny.
"How many people does he usually have sleeping in here with him?" I asked as Whist took me into the bathroom connected to the bedroom.
"It's usually just him. Though I won't lie to you, he's no blushing virgin." He turned on the hot water and sprinkled something delicious smelling from a small bottle into the tub.
Why was I jealous of the men and women who had slept with him before he knew I even existed? "As flirtatious as he is, I didn't expect different." Though he hadn't flirted much with me. Not until tonight. What changed?
"He definitely has a pull. The fact that you've resisted him along with the bond so long is impressive. It normally only takes him an hour to charm someone into his bed."
"I hope he's washed the sheets recently. Where exactly are we all going to sleep?" I asked, stripping off my blood splattered dress, staring at the ruined fabric pooled at my feet rather mournfully.
He turned off the water and helped me into the tub. "Don't worry about it, gorgeous. If he piles in bed with us, it won't be beside you. Unless you want him to."
"No. I'm good." I sighed in relief as the steaming water soothed my aches and washed the blood and grit away. It wasn't my blood thankfully. "Can I ask you something?"
"If the prince joined us, would the two of you be like Saber and Sky?" I couldn't deny the thought turned me on and also made me feel even more guilty if it was something Whist wanted, needed.
Whist lathered up a sponge with soap. "I don't know. We'd probably play around together when we're all together, but I doubt we'd have much of our own relationship outside of you. So don't make that decision for me. Make it for you."
I hissed as Whist drew the sponge over a tender spot. "I'm starting to think the only way I'll be able to make the decision is if I do it for the rest of you."
Whist nudged me, trying to get me to lie back. "It's nothing you need to worry about right now. Right now, you just need to let me take care of you."
"I'm fine, Whistler. Just a little sore."
"We almost lost you tonight, gorgeous. It's our nightmare."
"Then let me help you forget." I rose from the bath, water sliding down my naked body, enjoying the way Whist's eyes dilated.
Whist plucked me from the tub, my wet skin soaking into his beautiful suit, my hard nipples scraping against the fabric. I wrapped my legs around his waist, grinding into him. I so rarely had time alone with any of my kindreds. And most of the time, I preferred it when we were all together, but I liked having one-on-one time with them occasionally. Though I doubted we had long before Sky and Saber returned to join the fun.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't. I need you, Whistler."
Whist set me on the counter of the sink, pressing his length between my spread legs. I clawed at his clothes, wanting his bare skin against mine. His hands joined mine, and once his clothes joined mine on the slick floor, he cupped my face in his palms, kissing me gently.
"I'm not going to break." I nipped at his bottom lip and sank my fingernails into his back.
He growled and kissed me so hard I knew I'd be bruised the following day and I loved it. One of his hands dusted down my still sore neck until he reached my breasts. He plucked and pinched at my nipples, then twisted one of them with harsh fingers. My hips lifted, trying to create some friction against my core.
"I'm going to take you fast and hard, okay?"
"Please, yes." I didn't want to be teased tonight, I wanted to be fucked immediately.
Thankfully, Whist was more than happy to oblige. He rammed his cock into me without any prep, but I was so desperate for him, it was unnecessary. I threw my arms around his neck and licked up his throat. He growled again and thrust into me even harder. I loved it when they growled, it woke something deep inside me, something primal and wild. His hands grasped my ass, and he moved faster and rougher, his pelvis grinding against my clit. My hands clutched at him as we rode the waves of relief and need, releasing the fear and worry and pain.
Whist lifted me from the counter and slammed me against the bathroom door, reaching even deeper inside me, sweat slicking between our chests. We gasped and grunted and grappled until with one final plunge, we fell over the edge together.
He set me back on my feet, kissing me softly. I smiled against his lips and pushed him back. "I think we need another dip in the bath."
He snorted. "Agreed."
We cleaned up and left the bathroom. I stumbled to a stop at the sight of Aster sitting on his bed with Saber and Sky. My dress was soaked and bloody, so I'd come out completely naked.
All three men stared, their eyes roaming up and down my flushed body. My nipples pebbled beneath their perusal, but I took a step back, hiding behind Whist. Sky chuckled and tossed me a nightgown. It was a short and silky green thing, but it was better than being naked. I slid it on and strode out from behind Whist with my head held high.
Sky and Saber surrounded me, murmuring nonsense and stroking my bruised throat and scraped skin. They each took one of my hands and drew me over to the bed. Aster pulled back the corner of the blankets and I slid into the prince's bed.
"Get some sleep, love. We're all here and you're safe." Saber kissed me softly.
I considered arguing with them, but I was exhausted, so for the night I would let them take care of me and spoil me. I'd be strong and stubborn later. I curled up between the two of them, needing their touch as much as they needed mine, reassuring each other we're all okay and still together. Whist and Aster moved to the corner of the room, talking quietly.
But not so quietly Aster's words didn't filter over to us. "You need to get her out of here. She isn't interested in being my kindred and I understand. Even if she agreed, she'll never be safe here. Not until my father is deposed. And we're playing the long game, so it could be years."
I kept my eyes almost closed, peering at them through slitted lids.
"We promised her from the beginning it would always be her choice. I'm not going to take that away from her now." Whist shook his head.
Aster huffed. "Then talk her into it. My father isn't going to stop. And if he can't get to her, he'll take you three out to make her more vulnerable."
The king could try. Maybe Indigo and Aster wanted it to be a peaceful dethroning, but I was more and more willing to assassinate the damn man myself.
"None of us are willing to run away at the first sign of trouble. We've been fighting with you against your father for years since we were still just royal guards. We already tried to run once. Unless it's what Rhapsody wants, we aren't doing it again."
Aster sighed and rubbed his perfect hair into a tousled mess. "Damn it, Whist. I don't want to watch my kindred die by my father's hands. I'd rather know she's safe and happy with you three."
"Even if she decided she wanted the bond?"
"Even then. You know how much I want her and the bond, but not at the expense of her life."
Whist groaned. "You're an idiot, my friend. You've spent all this time pushing her away, waiting for her to turn you down instead of letting her get to know you and getting to know her. So she's going to deny the bond even though the two of you would be powerful and amazing together, you were literally created for each other. The changes we could usher in with her at your side could heal our country."
"How is the bond letting you keep her in danger? How have you not thrown her over your shoulder and run as far and as fast as you can?" Aster's mask was completely shattered, leaving him torn and in pain.
"The bond doesn't work like that. Which you know. The bond is strong, yes. It draws you together and seduces you. But it doesn't make you fall in love, it doesn't take away choices and free will." Whist gestured over at us with his chin. "Something which that kindred of ours is a big believer in."